Even Epidemiologists are story teller!!

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Last Tuesday I met one of the best epidemiologists at Einstein. He is always in demand from physicians to PhDs, as he has great command over statistics.  I would say he is perfect at SPSS. He finished his PhD in Epidemiology from Columbia University in 1970s and had honor of working with great Epidemiologists like Dr. Susser.
He is so humble, polite, approachable and kind-hearted.
He shared his experience with me, how one of the physicians from Columbia University helped him, how she was the source for his first ever job and how he landed up in epidemiology. He had even chance of meeting Dr.Cohen (remember Conhen’s d).
In late 1960s, when SPSS program was very new, it used to take 5 days to fix small error, which we people can do now in 5 seconds. Thanks to modern technology.
Thanks Dr.C for sharing your experience and opening up my new approach to the data.


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