Two hours with friend on Qualitative!!

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Thanks to my one of best friends for giving me two hours on Qualitative data analysis with Invivo last Sunday. Already aware of Dedoose, I throughly enjoyed  discussing Invivo with my Amiga. . Discussing qualitative methods while dinning is great piece of quality itsfel. How  can we make every moment fruitful and use it effciently, that is what I am experiencing in this nourishing country.

*Coding in Invivo is called nodes.

* For example, suppose we are doing the research on romantic relationships… Then we can code transcript into noded like… pleasure, anger, love, affection, obsession. How obsessive  parner is in relationship, if this is the topic, then it is important to  highlight words

*Invivo give us the frequency of all words. Then it make the words bigger as per the word frequency, this is even available with google’s program.

*Kappa gives value when we compare the interpretation by various researchers on the same nodes.

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